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Title 自动发货购书平台 Textbooks Solutions Manual and Test Bank-Textbooks Solutions Manual and Test Bank
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Business Communication Today, 13/E Courtland L. Bovee,John V. Thill, . Death, Society and Human Experience Plus MySearchLab with eText — Access Card Package, 11/E Robert J. Kastenbaum . Essential C# 4.0, 3/E Mark Michaelis . Logic and Design of Computer Programs Jim Messinger . Criminal Procedure: Theory and Practice, 2/E Jefferson L. Ingram . Corporate Financial Reporting and Analysis, 3rd Edition David young . Society: Readings to Accompany Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach, Core Concepts, 2/E James M. Henslin . Visualizing Human Geography: At Home in a Diverse World, 2nd Edition Alyson Greiner . Biology: Science for Life with Physiology Plus MasteringBiology with eText — Access Card Package, 5/E Colleen Belk, Virginia Borden Maier, . Marketing Essentials in Hospitality and Tourism: Foundations and Practices Stowe Shoemaker,Margaret Shaw . Stage Management, 10/E Lawrence Stern, Alice R. O’Grady . Management Communication, 5/E James S. O’Rourke, . Born to Talk: An Introduction to Speech and Language Development with Enhanced Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 6/E Lloyd M. Hulit,Kathleen R. Fahey,Merle R. Howard . Pharmacy Technician Series, The: Pharmacology Mike Johnston, NPTA . The Analysis and Use of Financial Statements, 3rd Edition Gerald I. White, Ashwinpaul C. Sondhi, Dov Fried . Assessment Procedures for Counselors and Helping Professionals, 7/E Robert D Drummond,Karyn D. Jones . Biopsychology Plus NEW MyPsychLab with eText — Access Card Package, 9/E John P.J. Pinel . Operations Management An Integrated Approach, 5th Edition International Student Version R. Dan Reid, Nada R. Sanders . The Curious Writer: Concise Edition Plus MyWritingLab — Access Card Package, 4/E Bruce Ballenger . Marriages and Familes Plus NEW MySocLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 8/E Nijole V. Benokraitis . Foundations for the Practice of EMS Education Melissa Alexander . Medical Language, 2/E Susan M. Turley . Clinical Mental Health Counseling: Fundamentals of Applied Practice with Enhanced Pearson eText — Access Card Package Donna S. Sheperis,Carl J. Sheperis, . Industrial Organization: Theory and Practice, 4/E Don E. Waldman,Elizabeth J. Jensen . CCENT/CCNA ICND1 100-101 Official Cert Guide, Academic Edition Wendell Odom . DeGarmo’s Materials and Processes in Manufacturing, 11th Edition International Student Version J. T Black, Ronald A. Kohser . Entre mundos: An Integrated Approach for the Native Speaker Plus Spanish Grammar Checker Access Card (one semester), 2/E Deana Alonso-Lyrintzis, Brandon Zaslow . Fundamentals of Semiconductor Fabrication Gary S. May, Simon M. Sze . ¡Qué me dices! Plus MySpanishKit–Access Card Package (one semester access) Montse Mir, Angela Bailey de las Heras . Programmable Controllers Using the Allen-Bradley SlC-500 Family, 2/E Dave Geller . Teaching Children and Adolescents with Special Needs, 5/E Judy L. Olson, Jennifer C. Platt, Lisa A. Dieker . Macroeconomics, 5/E Stephen D. Williamson . Current Issues and Controversies in Policing Michael D White . Training Guide for College Tutors and Peer Educators, A Sally A. Lipsky . Personality and Individual Differences Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic . International Economics: Theory and Policy Plus NEW MyEconLab with Pearson eText (2-semester access) — Access Card Package, 10/E Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld,Marc Melitz . Educational Psychology: Windows on Classrooms, Enhanced Pearson eText with Loose-Leaf Version — Access Card Package, 10/E Paul D. Eggen, Don P. Kauchak . New York Civil Practice Jeffrey A. Helewitz, JD . Sentence Dynamics Plus MyWritingLab — Access Card Package, 7/E Constance Immel, Florence Sacks . Critical Thinking in Consumer Behavior: Cases and Experiential Exercises, 2/E Judy F. Graham . Consumer Behavior, Leon G. Schiffman, Leslie Lazer Kanuk . Introduction to The Game Industry Michael E. Moore,Jennifer Sward . Wills, Trusts, and Probate Law for Paralegals Pamela S. Gibson . Principles of Digital Design Daniel D. Gajski, . Advanced Mechanics of Materials, 2/E Robert Cook, Warren Young . Advanced Medical Transcription: Critical Thinking in Healthcare Documentation Plus MyHealthProfessionsKit — Access Card Package Laura Bryan . Crime Scene Investigation: The Forensic Technician’s Field Manual Tina J. Young,P. J. Ortmeier . Structures, 6/E Daniel Schodek, Martin Bechthold . Multicultural Law Enforcement: Strategies for Peacekeeping in a Diverse Society, 6/E Robert M. Shusta,Deena R. Levine,Herbert Z. Wong,Aaron T. Olson,Philip R. Harris . Linux for Programmers and Users Graham Glass,King Ables . Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 8/E Norman M. Scarborough,Jeffrey R. Cornwall, . Becoming a Skilled Negotiator Concepts and Practices Kathleen Reordan . Crisis Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention, 2/E Lisa R. Jackson-Cherry,Bradley T. Erford . Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice (A Second Printing), 5/E Charles E. Bressler . Poetry: A Pocket Anthology, 7/E R. S. Gwynn . An Introduction to Applied Statistical Thermodynamics Stanley I Sandler . Basic Guide to SuperVision and Instructional Leadership, The Plus MyEdLeadership Lab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 3/E Carl D. Glickman, Stephen P. Gordon, Jovita M. Ross-Gordon . Fundamentals Of Supply Chain Theory Robert Snyder . Diálogos: Hacia una comunidad global Kathleen Tacelosky, Ruth A. Kauffmann, Denise M. Overfield . Reinforced Concrete: A Fundamental Approach, 6/E Edward G Nawy . Effective Help Desk Specialist Skills Darril Gibson . Creative Writing Guide, The: A Path to Poetry, Nonfiction, and Drama Candace H. Schaefer, Rick Diamond . School Law: Cases and Concepts Plus MyEdLeadershipLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 10/E Michael W. LaMorte . Retail Management: A Strategic Approach, 12/E Barry R Berman,Joel R. Evans . Oracle SQL By Example, 4/E Alice Rischert . Exploring Wine The Culinary Institute of America’s Guide to Wines of the World, Completely Revised 3rd Edition Steven Kolpan, Brian H. Smith, Michael A. Weiss . Networking for Home and Small Businesses, CCNA Discovery Learning Guide Allan Reid, Jim Lorenz . Data Analysis and Probability Connections: Mathematics for Middle School Teachers Debra A. Perkowski,Michael Perkowski . Classroom Assessment: Principles and Practice for Effective Standards-Based Instruction, 6/E James H. McMillan . Visual Anatomy & Physiology Lab Manual, Pig Version Plus MasteringA&P — Access Card Package – Stephen N. Sarikas, . Health Psychology: an Interdisciplinary Approach to Health, 2/E Deborah Ragin . College Physics with MasteringPhysics, 7/E Jerry D. Wilson,Anthony J. Buffa,Bo Lou, . CISSP Cert Guide Troy McMillan, Robin Abernathy . American Journey, The: A History of the United States, Volume 1 with NEW MyHistoryLab with eText — Access Card Package, 7/E David Goldfield, Jo Ann E. Argersinger, Peter H. Argersinger, Virginia DeJohn Anderson, Carl Abbott . Mastering Public Speaking Plus NEW MyCommunicationLab for Public Speaking — Access Card Package, 9/E George L. Grice, John F. Skinner, Daniel H. Mansson . International Economics, 9/E Steven Husted,Michael Melvin . Writing Today with MyWritingLab with eText — Access Card Package, 2/E Richard Johnson-Sheehan, Charles Paine . Introduction to Supervisory Practice in Human Services, An Ralph Dolgoff . Contemporary Business, International Student Version, 15th Edition Louise E. boune . Data and Text Mining: A Business Applications Approach Thomas W. Miller . Created Equal: A History of the United States, Volume 1 Plus NEW MyHistoryLab with eText — Access Card Package, 4/E Jacqueline A. Jones, Peter H. Wood, Thomas Borstelmann, . Allyn & Bacon Guide to Writing Portfolios, The Gina S. Claywell . Foundations of EMS Systems Edward L. Mund, Jeffrey T Lindsey . Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis First Edition John A. White, Kellie S. Grasnam . Auditing and Assurance Services, Update, 14/E Alvin A Arens,Randal J Elder,Mark Beasley . Ethics at Work (NetEffect Series) Barbara G. Cox,Robert W. Hunt,Matthew B. Hunt, . The Sommelier Prep Course: An Introduction to the Wines, Beers, and Spirits of the World M. Gibson . Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 2/E Michael Greenberg, . Public Relations Writing and Media Techniques Plus MySearchLab with eText — Access Card Package, 7/E Dennis L. Wilcox, Bryan H. Reber . Teaching Today’s Health, 10/E David Anspaugh,Gene Ezell, . Research In Psychology Methods and Design, 7th Edition, International Student Version C. James Goodwin . Mathematics for New Technologies Don Hutchison, Mark Yannotta, . Organizational Communication: Theory and Practice, 2/E Gary L. Kreps . First Americans: A History of Native Peoples, Combined Volume Plus MySearchLab with eText — Access Card Package Kenneth W. Townsend, Mark A. Nicholas . Nonverbal Self, The: Communication for a Lifetime Diana K. Ivy, Shawn T. Wahl . Foodservice Management: Principles and Practices, 12/E June Payne-Palacio,Monica Theis . Cuisine and culture, A history of food and people 3rd edition . Organized Crime, 5/E Michael D. Lyman, Gary W. Potter . Compose, Design, Advocate Plus MyWritingLab with eText — Access Card Package, 2/E Anne Frances Wysocki, Dennis A. Lynch . E-Business Technologies Supporting the Net-Enhanced Organization Craig Vann Slyke . Just the Facts: Investigative Report Writing, 3/E Michael Biggs . Early Childhood Development: A Multicultural Perspective, 6/E Jeffrey Trawick-Smith . Exploring Poetry Frank Madden . . Delinquency and Justice Mary S. Jackson, Paul Knepper . Introduction to the Profession of Counseling, 5/E Frank A. Nugent,Karyn D. Jones . Starting Out with C++ from Control Structures to Objects plus MyProgrammingLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 8/E Tony Gaddis . Dimensions of the Hospitality Industry, 3rd Edition . Social and Cultural Foundations of Counseling and Human Services: Multiple Influences on Self-Concept Development John J. Schmidt . Financial Accounting in an Economic Context, 8e, International Student Version Jamie Pratt . Cost-Benefit Analysis, 4/E Anthony Boardman,David Greenberg,Aidan Vining,David Weimer . Java How to Program, Early Objects plus MyProgrammingLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 10/E Paul Deitel,Harvey Deitel . Learning Mobile App Development: A Hands-on Guide to Building Apps with iOS and Android Jakob Iversen,Michael Eierman . Critical Approaches to Television, 2/E Leah R Vande Berg, Lawrence A Wenner, Bruce E. Gronbeck . Health Services: Policy and Systems for Therapists, 2/E Robert Sandstrom, Helene Lohman, James D. Bramble . Food for Fifty, 13/E Mary K. Molt . Economics of the Environment, The Peter Berck, Gloria Helfand, . Basic Marketing Research, 4/E Naresh K Malhotra . Public Speaking Guidebook Suzanne Osborn, Michael T Motley, Randall Osborn . Information Technology Management, 8th Edition International Student Version Efraim Turban, Linda Volonino . Elementary Statistics in Criminal Justice Research, 4/E James Alan Fox,Jack A. Levin,David R. Forde, . Essay, The: Old and New Edward P.J. Corbett, Sheryl L. Finkle . Judgment in Managerial Decision Making, 8th Edition Max H. Bazerman, Don A. Moore . Scholastic Journalism, 12th Edition C. Dow Tate, Sherri A. Taylor . Terrorism Today: The Past, The Players, The Future, 5/E Jeremy R. Spindlove,Clifford E. Simonsen . One World, Many Cultures Plus MyWritingLab — Access Card Package, 9/E Stuart Hirschberg, Terry Hirschberg . Teaching Language and Literacy: Preschool Through the Elementary Grades, 5/E James Christie, Billie Jean Enz, Carol Vukelich, Kathleen A. Roskos . REVEL for Lone Star Politics, 2014 Elections and Updates Edition — Access Card, 2/E Paul Benson, David Clinkscale, Anthony Giardino . Everyday Writing Plus MyWritingLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package Greg R. Glau, Chitralekha De Duttagupta . Assessing Students with Special Needs, 7/E James A. McLoughlin, Rena B. Lewis . Automotive Fuel and Emissions Control Systems, 4/E James D. Halderman . Reading Now Plus MyReadingLab with eText — Access Card Package Amy E. Olsen . Basics of Communication Studies Plus MySearchLab with eText — Access Card Package, 2/E Scott McLean . Having Your Say Davida H. Charney, Christine M. Neuwirth, David S. Kaufer, Cheryl A. Geisler . Psychological Testing: Principles and Applications, 6/E Kevin R. Murphy, Charles O. Davidshofer . Economics, 12/E Michael Parkin . Drug Use, Misuse, and Abuse Cecila A. Markceszinki . Strategies for Critical Reading: A Text with Thematic Reader Plus MyReadingLab — Access Card Package Dr. Jane L. McGrath, Professor Emerita . Visualizing Geology, 3rd Edition Barbara W. Murck . Business Intelligence, 2/E Efraim Turban,Ramesh Sharda,Dursun Delen,David King . Visualizing Technology Introductory, 4/E Debra Geoghan . Computer Graphics with Open GL, 4/E Donald D. Hearn, M. Pauline Baker,Warren Carithers . Más allá de las palabras, Intermediate Spanish, Student Edition and accompanying Audio CD, 2nd Edition Olga Gallego Scott . West,The: A Narrative History, Volume One: To 1660 Plus NEW MyHistoryLab with eText — Access Card Package, 3/E A. Daniel Frankforter, William M. Spellman . Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis, 6/E Richard A. Johnson,Dean W. Wichern . Understanding Public Policy Plus MySearchLab with eText — Access Card Package, 14/E Thomas R. Dye . Clinical Social Work Supervision: Practice and Process Plus MySearchLab with eText — Access Card Package Robert Taibbi . Introduction to C++ for Engineers and Scientists Delores M. Etter . Java How To Program (late objects), 10/E Paul Deitel,Harvey Deitel . MasteringA&P Virtual Lab — Standalone Access Card Ruth Heisler,Nora Hebert,Jett Chinn,Karen Krabbenhoft,Olga Malakhova,Peter Zao,Timothy Stabler,Lori Smith,Andrew Lokuta,Edwin Griff . Software Project Management: A Real-World Guide to Success D. J. Henry . Readings in Deviant Behavior, 6/E Alex D Thio, Thomas C. Calhoun, Addrain Conyers . The Complete Guide to Greener Meetings and Events Samuel deBlanc Goldblatt . Organized Crime, 6/E Michael D. Lyman, Gary W. Potter . Criminology Today: An Integrative Introduction, 5/E Frank J. Schmalleger . Energy Finance Analysis and Valuation, Risk Management, and the Future of Energy Betty . Next Series: Introduction to Google Apps, Productivity Apps Michael Miller . Business Data Networks and Security, 10/E Raymond R. Panko,Julia Panko . Object Oriented Software Development Using Java, 2/E Xiaoping Jia, . Criminal Investigation: Basic Perspectives, 12/E Charles A. Lushbaugh,Paul B. Weston, . Calculus Early Transcendentals Single Variable 9th Edition Howard Anton . Transition Series: Topics for the EMT Daniel J. Limmer, EMT-P, Joseph J. Mistovich . Substance Abuse and Addiction Treatment: Practical Application of Counseling Theory Plus NEW MyCounselingLab with Video-Enhanced Pearson eText — Access Card Package Todd F. Lewis . Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems Modern Methods and Applications, International Student Version, Second Edition James R. Brannan . Resource Management for Individuals and Families, 5/E Elizabeth B. Goldsmith, . Criminology Today: An Integrative Introduction, 7/E Frank J. Schmalleger . Hospitality Strategic Management Concepts and Cases, 2nd Edition Cathy A. Enz . Criminalistics: An Introduction to Forensic Science, 10/E Richard Saferstein . Motivating Your Students: Before You Can Teach Them, You Have to Reach Them Hanoch McCarty, Frank Siccone . Electrical Systems Design Theodore R. Bosela . Office 2007, International Student Version Microsoft Official Academic Course . Meaningful Curriculum for Young Children Plus MyEducationLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package Eva Moravcik, Sherry Nolte, Stephanie Feeney . Advanced Accounting 10th Edition by Floyd A. Beams . Writing for Real: A Handbook for Writing in Community Service Carolyn Ross, Ardel Thomas . Strategies for Successful Writing: A Rhetoric, Research Guide, Reader, and Handbook Plus MyWritingLab with eText — Access Card Package, 10/E James A. Reinking, Robert von der Osten . Illustrator CS5 Digital Classroom, (Book and Video Training) Jennifer smith . Computer Networks Principles, Technologies and Protocols for Network Design Natalia olifer . Environmental & Natural Resources Economics, 9/E Tom Tietenberg,Lynne Lewis, . Educational Assessment of Students, Pearson eText with Loose-Leaf Version — Access Card Package, 7/E Susan M. Brookhart, Anthony J. Nitko . Processes, Systems, and Information: An Introduction to MIS Plus 2014 MyMISLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package David M. Kroenke, Earl McKinney . Excursions in World Music Plus MyMusicLab with eText — Access Card Package, 6/E Bruno Nettl, Timothy Rommen, Charles Capwell,Isabel K. F. Wong, Thomas Turino, Philip Bohlman, Byron Dueck . Business Essentials Plus 2014 MyBizLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 10/E Ronald J. Ebert, Ricky W. Griffin, . Solid State Physics: Essential Concepts David W. Snoke . Information Technology Project Management with CD-ROM, 4th Edition International Student Version Jack T. Marchewka . AmongUS: Essays on Identity, Belonging, and Intercultural Competence, 2/E Myron W. Lustig, Jolene Koester . Managing, Controlling, and Improving Quality, 1st Edition Douglas C. Montgomery, Cheryl L. Jennings, Michele E. Pfund . Designer’s Guide to Building Construction and Systems Treena M. Crochet . Programming with Alice and Java John Lewis,Peter DePasquale . Parents as Partners in Education: Families and Schools Working Together, 8/E Eugenia Hepworth Berger, Mari R. Riojas-Cortez . Ethics and Professionalism for Massage Therapists and Bodyworkers Beverley A. Giroud . Entreprenuership William D. byGrave . Inequality in the United States: A Reader John Brueggemann . Emily Dickinson: A Collection of Critical Essays Judith Farr . Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences, 4/E Alan Agresti,Barbara Finlay . Elements of Reasoning, The, 2/E Edward P.J. Corbett, Rosa A. Eberly . Object-Oriented Programming in Java: A Graphical Approach, Preliminary Edition Kathryn E. Sanders,Andy van Dam . Technical Mathematics with Calculus, 2/E Dale Ewen, Joan S. Gary, James E. Trefzger, . Principles of Physical Optics Charles A. Bennett . Heritage of World Civilizations, The: Brief Edition, Volume 2, 5/E Albert M. Craig, William A. Graham, Donald M. Kagan, Steven Ozment, Frank M. TurneR . THINK World Religions Plus MySearchLab with eText — Access Card Package, 2/E Roy R Robson . Wiley Pathways E-Business Greg Holden, Shannon Belew, Joel Elad, Jason R. Rich . Anatomy, Physiology, and Disease: An Interactive Journey for Health Professions, 2/E Bruce J. Colbert, Jeff J. Ankney, Karen Lee . Hydrologic Analysis and Design, 3/E Richard H. McCuen . Being a Homemaker/Home Health Aide, 6/E Elana Zucker, ET HR . Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems, 2/E George A. Truskey, Fan Yuan, David F. Katz . Wiley Pathways Threats to Homeland Security, 1st Edition Richard Kilroy . Fundamental Finite Element Analysis and Applications with Mathematica and Matlab Computations M. Asghar Bhatti . Backpack Writing Plus MyWritingLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 4/E Lester Faigley . Understanding Social Welfare: A Search for Social Justice Plus MySearchLab with eText — Access Card Package, 9/E Ralph Dolgoff, Donald Feldstein . Communication and Gender, 4/E Lea P. Stewart, Pamela J. Cooper, Alan D. Stewart, with Sheryl A. Friedley . Teaching Reading in the 21st Century: Motivating All Learners, 5/E Michael F. Graves, Connie F Juel, Bonnie B. Graves, Peter F Dewitz . Understanding Pharmacology for Health Professionals, 4/E Susan M. Turley, MA, BSN, RN, ART, CMT . Isotopes Principles and Applications, 3rd Edition Gunter Faure, Teresa M. Mensing . Strategic Management Dynamics Kim Warren . Logistics Engineering & Management, 6/E Benjamin S. Blanchard . Writing Situations Plus MyWritingLab with eText — Access Card Package Sidney I. Dobrin . Working with Families: An Integrative Model by Level of Need, 5/E Allie C. Kilpatrick, Thomas P. Holland . Pocket Guide to Technical Communication Plus MyWritingLab without Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 5/E William S. Pfeiffer . Organizational Behavior Plus 2014 MyManagementLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 16/E Stephen P. Robbins,Timothy A. Judge, . Composition in the Classical Tradition Frank J. D’Angelo . African American Odyssey, The Combined Volume Plus NEW MyHistoryLab with eText — Access Card Package, 6/E Darlene Clark Hine, William C. Hine, Stanley C Harrold . Clinical Laboratory Chemistry Robert Sunheimer, Linda Graves . Good Society, The: An Introduction to Comparative Politics, 2/E Alan Draper, Ansil Ramsay . You Are Here: Readings on Higher Education for College Writers Russel K. Durst . Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 2e John Mangan, Chandra Lalwani, Tim Butcher, Roya Javadpour . Longman Guide to Writing Center Theory and Practice, The Robert W. Barnett, Jacob S Blumner . Essentials of Oceanography Plus MasteringOceanography with eText — Access Card Package, 11/E Alan P. Trujillo,Harold V. Thurman, . Perspectives on Persuasion, Social Influence, and Compliance Gaining John S. Seiter, Robert H. Gass . Adventures in Public Relations: Case Studies and Critical Thinking David W. Guth, Charles Marsh . Language Development in Early Childhood Education, 4/E Beverly W. Otto . Juvenile Justice System, The: Delinquency, Processing, and the Law, 6/E Dean J. Champion . Distributed Computing: Principles and Applications M.L. Liu . Child, Family, and Community: Family-Centered Early Care and Education, 6/E Janet Gonzalez-Mena, Emerita . Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition, David R. Klein . F&B Module 45: Essentials of Bar Design Peter Szende,Thomas W. Galvin . Communication in a Civil Society Plus NEW MyCommunicationLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package Shelley D. Lane, Ruth Anna Abigail, John Gooch . Jump Right In: Essential Computer Skills Using Microsoft Office 2010 Jean Andrews . Introduction to Telecommunications, 2/E Martha Rosengrant . InDesign CC Digital Classroom Christopher Smith . Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles, 6/E James D. Halderman . Unidos (includes multi semester access Code) — Access Card Package Elizabeth E. Guzmán, Paloma E Lapuerta, Judith E. Liskin-Gasparro . Nutrition for Life Plus MasteringNutrition with eText — Access Card Package, 3/E Janice J. Thompson, Melinda Manore, . Ivor Horton’s Beginning Visual C++ 2005 Ivor Horton . Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair James D. Halderman . Marketing Research 11th edition, ISV David A. Aaker, V. Kumar, Robert Leone, George S. Day . Gift of Fire, A: Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues for Computing Technology, 4/E Sara Baase . Big Java Early Objects 5th edition international student version Cay Horstmann . Decision Analysis for Management Judgment, 4th Edition Paul Goodwin, George Wright . Introduction to Econometrics Gary Koop . Challenge of Third World Development, The Plus MySearchLab with eText — Access Card Package, 7/E Howard Handelman . Contemporary Creative Nonfiction: I & Eye Bich Minh Nguyen, Porter Shreve . Intermediate Algebra: A Graphing Approach Plus NEW MyMathLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 5/E Elayn Martin-Gay,Margaret (Peg) Greene . Principal, The: Creative Leadership for Excellence in Schools, 7/E Gerald C. Ubben, Larry W. Hughes, Cynthia J. Norris . REVEL for Government in America, 2014 Elections and Updates Edition — Access Card, 16/E George C. Edwards, III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry . Transportation and Cargo Security: Threats and Solutions Kathleen M. Sweet, . Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control, 3/E John J. Craig, . Foundations of Menu Planning Daniel Traster . Kim, A Longman Cultural Edition Rudyard Kipling, Paula Krebs, Tricia Lootens . The Simon and Schuster Short Prose Reader Plus MyWritingLab — Access Card Package, 6/E Robert W. Funk, Elizabeth McMahan, Susan X. Day, Linda S. Coleman . Psychology and Work Today, 10/E Duane Schultz, Sydney Ellen Schultz . Poverty and Income Distribution, 2nd Edition Edward N. Wolf . Applying Educational Research: How to Read, Do, and Use Research to Solve Problems of Practice, Pearson eText with Loose-Leaf Version — Access Card Package, 7/E M. D. Gall, Joyce P. Gall, Walter R. Borg . The Little, Brown Compact Handbook with Exercises Plus MyWritingLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 8/E Jane E. Aaron . Finite Mathematics An Applied Approach, International Student Version, 11th Edition Michael Sullivan . Get Fit, Stay Well! Brief Edition Plus MyFitness Lab with eText — Access Card Package, 2/E Janet L. Hopson, Rebecca J. Donatelle, Tanya R. Littrell, . Applied Mass Communication Theory: A Guide for Media Practitioners Jack Rosenberry, Lauren A Vicker . Family Communication: Cohesion and Change, 9/E Kathleen M. Galvin, Dawn O. Braithwaite, Carma L. Bylund, Dawn Braithwaite . The World’s Christians: Who they are, Where they are, and How they got there Douglas Jacobsen . Communication: Embracing Difference Plus MySearchLab with eText — Access Card Package, 4/E Daniel M. Dunn, Lisa J. Goodnight . Cognition Plus NEW MyPsychLab with eText — Access Card Package, 6/E Mark H. Ashcraft, Gabriel A. Radvansky . Financing Education in a Climate of Change, 12/E Vern Brimley, Jr., Deborah A. Verstegen, Rulon R. Garfield . Introduction to Philosophy: In Black, White and Color, An Jeff McLaughlin . Information Technology for management 5th edition . Managing Front Office Operations with Answer Sheet (AHLEI) & Managing Front Office Operations Online Component (AHLEI) — Access Card Package, 9/E Michael L. Kasavana . Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The Secret Sharer, and Transformation: Three Tales of Doubles, A Longman Cultural Edition Robert Louis Stevenson, Joseph Conrad, Mary Shelley, Susan J. Wolfson, Barry V. Qualls . Chemistry Case Studies for Allied Health, 1st Edition Colleen Kelley . Legal Rights of Teachers and Students, 3/E Nelda H. Cambron-McCabe, Martha M. McCarthy, Suzanne E. Eckes . Project Management in Practice, 4th Edition International Student Version Samuel J. Mantel, Jr., Jack R. Meredith, Scott M. Shafer, Margaret M. Sutton . Medical Terminology: A Word Building Approach, 7/E Jane Rice, RN, CMA . Writing Arguments: A Rhetoric with Readings, Concise Edition Plus MyWritingLab with eText — Access Card Package, 7/E John D. Ramage, John C. Bean, June Johnson . Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual, 6/E Elaine N. Marieb, . MATLAB An Introduction with Applications, SI Version, 4th Edition Amos Gilat . Flashback: A Brief Film History, 6/E Louis Giannetti, Scott Eyman . Healthcare Documentation: Fundamentals and Practice, 4/E Ellen Drake, Sally C. Pitman, John H. Dirckx . Texas: The Lone Star State, 10/E Rupert N. Richardson, Adrian Anderson, Cary D Wintz , Ernest allace . Laboratory Manual for Anatomy & Physiology, 5/E Elaine N. Marieb, . Articulatory and Phonological Impairments: A Clinical Focus, 4/E Jacqueline Bauman-Waengler, . Medical Emergencies: Essentials for the Dental Professional, 2/E Ellen B. Grimes . Crime Control in America: What Works?, 3/E John L. Worrall, . MIS Essentials Plus 2014 MyMISLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 4/E David M. Kroenke . Automotive Chassis Systems, 6/E James D. Halderman . Introduction to Finance Markets, Investments, and Financial Management, 15th Edition Ronald W. Melicher . Dreamweaver CS4 Digital Classroom, (Book and Video Training) Jeremy Osborn . Pocket Reader, The David Munger . Research in Education: Evidence-Based Inquiry, 7/E James H. McMillan, Sally Schumacher . College Mathematics Plus MyMathLab — Access Card Package, 9/E Cheryl Cleaves, Margie Hobbs, . Physical Chemistry: Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Interactions Plus MasteringChemistry with eText — Access Card Package Andrew Cooksy, . Sterling Stories: 12 Great Short Stories Plus MyReadingLab without Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 2/E Yvonne Collioud Sisko . Generalized Linear Models John P. Hoffmann . Encountering Cultures: Reading and Writing in a Changing World, 2/E Richard Holeton . Gaining Word Power, 8/E Dorothy Rubin . Essentials of Contemporary Business Louis E. Boone, David L. Kurtz . Organic Chemistry, 10th Edition International Student Version, T. W. Graham Solomons . Human Sexuality (case) Plus NEW MyPsychLab with eText — Access Card Package, 3/E Roger R. Hock . Discrete-Time Signal Processing, 3/E Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer . Power of Communication,The: Skills to Build Trust, Inspire Loyalty, and Lead Effectively Helio Fred Garcia . LAN Switching and Wireless, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide Allan Johnson . Educational Research A Contextual Approach Ken Springer . Developing Mentoring and Coaching Relationships in Early Care and Education: A Reflective Approach Marilyn Chu . Emergency Responder: Advanced First Aid for Non–EMS Personnel Chris Le Baudour . Managerial Economics, 7th Edition William F. Samuelson, Stephen G. Marks . Perspectives on Argument Plus MyWritingLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 8/E Nancy V. Wood, James Miller . Assessing Students with Special Needs, Pearson eText with Loose-Leaf Version — Access Card Package, 5/E John J. Venn . Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology Plus MasteringA&P with eText — Access Card Package, 11/E Elaine N. Marieb . EMS Communications and Information Technology Jeffrey T. Lindsey, Jeffrey T Lindsey . Automotive Fuel and Emissions Control Systems, 3/E James D. Halderman, James Linder . Writing for Life: Sentences and Paragraphs Plus MyWritingLab with eText — Access Card Package, 2/E D. J. Henry, Dorling Kindersley . Managerial Accounting: Decision Making and Motivating Performance Plus NEW MyAccountingLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package Srikant M. Datar,Madhav V. Rajan,Charles T. Horngren . Principles of Code Enforcement Plus Resource Central — Access Card Package James M. Foley . Engineering Mechanics Statics, 6th Edition SI Version J. L. Meriam . Terrorism Today: The Past, The Players, The Future, 4/E Clifford E. Simonsen, Jeremy R. Spindlove, . Argumentation: Inquiry and Advocacy, 3/E George W. Ziegelmueller, Jack Kay . Phonetics Workbook for Students, A: Building a Foundation for Transcription Heidi M. Harbers . 80 Readings for Composition, 2/E David Munger . Introduction to Social Statistics The Logic of Statistical Reasoning Thomas Dietz, Linda Kalof . Rhetoric and Style: Strategies for Advanced Writers Nevin K. Laib . Market-Based Management, 6/E Roger Best . Civilizations Past & Present, Combined Volume, 12/E Robert R. Edgar, Neil J. Hackett, George F. Jewsbury, Barbara A. Molony, Matthew S Gordon Microsoft Access 2013 Exam 77-424 . International Relations Brief, 2013-2014 Update Plus NEW MyPoliSciLab with eText–Access Card Package, 6/E Joshua S. Goldstein, Jon C. Pevehouse . Statics and Strength of Materials for Architecture and Building Construction, 4/E Barry S. Onouye, Kevin Kane . Introduction to Wind Principles Thomas E. Kissell . Human Behavior and the Social Environment: Theory and Practice, 2/E Joan Granucci Lesser, Donna Saia Pope . Case Studies in Comparative Politics Plus MyPoliSciLab — Access Card Package with eText — Access Card Package David J. Samuels . Psychology: A Framework for Everyday Thinking Scott O. Lilienfeld, Steven J Lynn,Laura L. Namy, Nancy J. Woolf . Product and Process Design Principles, International Student Version, 3rd Edition Warren D. Seider, J. D. Seader, Daniel R. Lewin, Soemantri Widagdo . Fire and Emergency Services Safety & Survival with Resource Central — Access Card Package Travis M. Ford, National Fallen Firefighters . Clinical Mental Health Counseling in Community and Agency Settings, 4/E Debbie W. Newsome,Samuel T. Gladding, . Conceptual Chemistry Plus MasteringChemistry with eText — Access Card Package, 5/E John A. Suchocki, . Foundations of College Chemistry, 14th Edition Morris Hein, Susan Arena . GO! with Windows 8.1 Update 1 Getting Started Shelley Gaskin . Art History, Volume 2 Plus NEW MyArtsLab — Access Card Package, 5/E Marilyn Stokstad, Michael Cothren . Writing for the Web: A Practical Guide Cynthia L. Jeney . Management of Child Development Centers with Enhanced Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 8/E Patricia F. Hearron, Verna P. Hildebrand . Mind’s Eye, The: A Guide to Writing Poetry Kevin Clark . The Prentice Hall Guide for College Writers Plus MyWritingLab with eText — Access Card Package, 10/E Stephen P. Reid . Prentice Hall Reference Guide with MyWritingLab with eText — Access Card Package, 9/E Muriel G. Harris, Professor Emerita, Jennifer Kunka . American Military History: A Survey from Colonial Times to the Present Plus MySearchLab with eText — Access Card Package, 2/E William T. Allison, Jeffrey G. Grey, Janet G. Valentine . Second Course in Statistics, A: Regression Analysis, 7/E William Mendenhall,Terry T Sincich, . QuickBooks 2012: A Complete Course, 13/E Janet Horne, . Financial Accounting Information for Decision ,4th Edition John J. Wild . Constitutional Law: Governmental Powers and Individual Freedoms, 2/E Daniel E. Hall, J.D.,John Feldmeier, . Livestock Feeds and Feeding, 6/E Richard O. Kellems, David C. Church . Conceptual Skills for Mental Health Professionals Linda W. Seligman . Your Attitude Is Showing, 12/E Sharon Lund O’Neil,Elwood N. Chapman, . Shakespeare’s Late Tragedies: A Collection of Critical Essays Susanne L. Wofford . Applied Behavior Analysis for Teachers, 9/E Paul A. Alberto, Anne C. Troutman . Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts & Cases, 15/E Fred R. David,Forest R. David . Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, 6/E William Stallings . CJ 2014 James A. Fagin . Courts and Criminal Justice in America Larry J. Siegel,Frank J. Schmalleger,John L. Worrall . Wiley Pathways Project Management, 1st Edition Stanley E. Portny, Samuel J. Mantel, Jr., Jack R. Meredith, Scott M. Shafer . Nonverbal Behavior in Interpersonal Relations, 7/E Virginia Peck Richmond,Mark L. Hickson, III, James C. McCroskey . Operations Management, 5th Edition Nigel Slack, Stuart Chambers, Robert Johnston . Database Administration: The Complete Guide to DBA Practices and Procedures, 2/E Craig S. Mullins . Introduction to Behavioral Economics David R. Just . Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant, 3rd Edition Paula Pattengale, Teresa Sonsthagen . Technical Communication Today Plus MyWritingLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 5/E Richard Johnson-Sheehan . Math for Merchandising: A Step-by-Step Approach, 3/E Evelyn C. Moore . Human Relations for Career and Personal Success: Concepts, Applications, and Skills, 10/E Andrew J. DuBrin . Introduction to Teaching Composition in an Electronic Environment, An Eric Hoffman, Carol Scheidenhelm . Operations Management: Processes and Supply Chains Plus NEW MyOMLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 10/E Lee J. Krajewski,Larry P. Ritzman,Manoj K. Malhotra, . Understanding Symbolic Logic, 5/E Virginia Klenk . Corporate Finance A Practical Approach Michelle R. Clayman . Introduction to Digital Communications Michael B. Pursley . Understanding and Managing Diversity: Readings, Cases, and Exercises, 6/E Carol Harvey,M. June Allard . Introduction to Management in the Hospitality Industry, 10th Edition Clayton W. Barrows . River Between, The Ngugi Wa Thiong’o . Database Design and Implementation Edward Sciore . Personal Finance: Turning Money into Wealth Plus NEW MyFinanceLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 6/E Arthur J. Keown . Politics and Culture in the Developing World, 5/E Richard J. Payne, Jamal R. Nassar . THINK Critically, 2/E Peter Facione, Carol Ann Gittens . Career Information, Career Counseling and Career Development, 11/E Duane Brown . Stuttering: Foundations and Clinical Applications, 2/E Ehud H. Yairi,Carol H. Seery . History of Mathematics: Brief Version Victor J. Katz, . Early Literacy Instruction: Teaching Reading and Writing in Today’s Primary Grades, 2/E John A. Smith, Sylvia Read . Interactive Statistics, 3/E Martha Aliaga,Brenda Gunderson . Engineering Design Graphics Sketching, Modeling, and Visualization, 2nd Edition James Leake . REVEL for Government and Politics in the Lone Star State — Access Card, 9/E L. Tucker Gibson, Jr. , Clay Robison . Complex Variables with Applications, 3/E David A. Wunsch, . Nutrition and Diet Therapy for Nurses Sheila Tucker . Managing Information Technology, 7/E Carol V. Brown,Daniel W. DeHayes,Jeffrey A. Hoffer,Wainright E. Martin,William C. Perkins . Essentials of Corporate Finance Robert Parrino, David S. Kidwell, Thomas Bates . Computer Literacy for IC3 Unit 2: Using Productivity Software John Preston, Sally Preston ,Robert Ferrett . Understanding Violence and Victimization, 6/E Robert J. Meadows . Progressions, 2: Paragraphs, Essays, and Essential Study Skills Plus MyWritingLab with eText — Access Card Package, 9/E Barbara Clouse . Automotive Engines: Theory and Servicing, 6/E James D. Halderman . Play and Child Development, 4/E Joe L. Frost, Emeritus, Sue C. Wortham, Stuart C. Reifel . Innovation Acceleration: Transforming Organizational Thinking Donald Kuratko,Jeffrey Hornsby,Michael G. Goldsby . F&B Module 1: The Restaurant Industry and Restaurant Segments Peter Szende,Robin DiPietro . Modern East Asia: An Integrated History Jonathan N. Lipman, Barbara A. Molony, Michael A. Robinson . Literate Lives Teaching Reading and Writing in Elementary Classrooms, 1st Edition Amy Seely Flint . Principles of Pediatric Nursing: Caring for Children, 5/E Jane W. Ball, DrPH, RN, CPNP, Ruth C. Bindler, Kay J. Cowen . Poem, The: An Anthology, 3/E S.B. Greenfield . Wuthering Heights, A Longman Cultural Edition Emily Bronte, Alison Booth . Skills for Success with Computer Concepts Getting Started Vonda Keator . Human Communication Disorders: An Introduction, 8/E Noma B. Anderson,George H. Shames . Environmental Science: Toward a Sustainable Future Plus MasteringEnvironmentalScience with eText — Access Card Package, 12/E Richard T. Wright, Dorothy T. Boorse, . Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, 9th Edition by Fredrick Mishkin . Discrete Mathematics Sherwood Washburn,Thomas Marlowe, Charles T. Ryan, . Hospitality Information Systems and E-Commerce Dana V. Tesone . Party Politics in America, 16/E Marjorie Randon Hershey . Administrative Law: Bureaucracy in a Democracy, 5/E Daniel E. Hall, J.D., . The Western Heritage: Volume A Plus NEW MyHistoryLab with eText — Access Card Package, 11/E Donald M. Kagan, Steven Ozment, Frank M Turner, Alison Frank . Understanding UNIX/LINUX Programming: A Guide to Theory and Practice Bruce Molay . Allyn & Bacon Sourcebook for Writing Program Administrators, The Irene Ward, William J Carpenter . Professional Nursing Practice: Concepts and Perspectives, 6/E Kathleen Blais, RN, Ed.D, Janice S. Hayes, . Fact and Artifact: Writing Nonfiction, 2/E Lynn Z. Bloom . Industrial Organization Contemporary Theory and Empirical Applications, 4th Edition Lynne Pepall, Dan Richards, George Norman . Teaching Content Reading and Writing, 5th Edition Martha Rapp Ruddell . Sweet Reason: A Field Guide to Modern Logic, 2nd Edition James M. Henle, Jay L. Garfield, Thomas Tymoczko, Emily Altreuter (Illustrator) . Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 7/E Alan C. Lacy, . Programed Spelling Demons, 4/E George W. Feinstein . Wills, Trusts, and Estate Administration Jennifer Montante . Strategies for Argument: A Reader and Sourcebook Sally DeWitt Spurgin . Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology, 9th Edition Thomas F.Oltsmann . CCENT/CCNA ICND1 100-101 Official Cert Guide Wendell Odom . The Conscious Reader Plus MyWritingLab — Access Card Package, 12/E Caroline F. Shrodes, Michael F. Shugrue, Christian Matuschek, Marc F. DiPaolo . Work Systems: The Methods, Measurement & Management of Work Mikell P. Groover . Hazardous Materials Technician with Resource Central Fire — Access Card Package Chris H Weber . Financial Reporting and Corporate Governance Thomas A. Lee . C++ For Everyone, 2nd Edition Cay S. Horstmann . Policing: A Modular Approach Plus NEW MyCJLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package Ronald G. Burns, . Creating Literacy Instruction for All Children in Grades Pre-K to 4, 2/E Thomas G. Gunning . Introduction to Governmental and Not-for-Profit Accounting, 7/E Martin Ives,Terry K. Patton,Suesan R. Patton . Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing Plus MyNursingLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 3/E Donita T D’Amico, Colleen Barbarito . Juvenile Delinquency, 9/E Clemens Bartollas, Frank J. Schmalleger, . Absolute Java plus MyProgrammingLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 5/E Walter Savitch, . Making Career Decisions that Count: A Practical Guide, 3/E Darrell Anthony Luzzo,Lisa Severy, . Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Plus NEW MyFinanceLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 3/E Jonathan Berk, Peter DeMarzo,Jarrad Harford . Computer Forensics and Cyber Crime: An Introduction, 2/E Marjie T. Britz . Applied Statics and Strength of Materials, 6/E George F. Limbrunner, Craig D’Allaird, Leonard Spiegel . Teaching Children to Read: The Teacher Makes the Difference, Enhanced Pearson eText with Loose-Leaf Version — Access Card Package, 7/E D. Ray Reutzel, Robert B. Cooter, Jr. . Gateways to World Literature, Volume 2: The Seventeenth Century to Today Plus MyLiteratureLab — Access Card Package David Damrosch . Search Engines: Information Retrieval in Practice Bruce Croft,Donald Metzler,Trevor Strohman . Introduction to Materials Management, 7/E J. R. Tony Arnold,Stephen N. Chapman,Lloyd M. Clive, . Mathematics for Elementary Teachers A Contemporary Approach 10th Edition Gary L. Musser, Blake E. Peterson, William F. Burger . Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, 5th Edition SI Version Douglas C Montgomery . Social Beings Core Motives in Social Psychology, 3rd Edition Susan T. Fiske . Six Rules for Brand Revitalization: Learn How Companies Like McDonald’ Can Re-Energize Their Brands Larry Light,Joan Kiddon . Auditing and Assurance Services with ACL Software CD, 15/E Alvin A. Arens,Randal J. Elder, Mark S. Beasley, . Criminology (Justice Series) Plus NEW MyCJLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 2/E Frank J. Schmalleger, . Civil Litigation: Process and Procedures, 3/E Thomas F. Goldman, Alice Hart Hughes . World of Psychology, The, 7/E Samuel E. Wood, Ellen Green Wood, Denise Boyd . Core Concepts of Financial Analysis A User Approach Gary Giroux . Visualizing Technology, Complete, 2/E Debra Geoghan . Blueprint Reading for Machine Trades, 7/E Russ Schultz, Larry Smith . Diversity in U.S. Mass Media Catherine A. luther . Taxation for Decision Makers 2014 edition . Police Leadership: Organizational and Managerial Decision Making Process, 2/E Maria R. Haberfeld, . Genetics, 6th Edition International Student Version D. Peter Snustad, Michael J. Simmons . Holistic Bodywork James Pulciani . Criminal Justice Today: An Introductory Text for the 21st Century Plus MyCJLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 13/E Frank J. Schmalleger . Traffic Enforcement and Crash Investigation Ross Olmos . Trigonometry plus NEW MyMathLab — Access Card Package, 4/E Mark Dugopolski . Challenging Behavior in Young Children: Understanding, Preventing and Responding Effectively, 3/E Barbara Kaiser, Judy Sklar Rasminsky . APA and MLA Writing Formats (Revised Printing) Chalon E. Anderson, Amy T. Carrell, Jimmy Widdifield . Microwave Transistor Amplifiers: Analysis and Design, 2/E Guillermo Gonzalez . Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management John Mangan, Chandra Lalwani, Tim Butcher . Evidence-Based Practices for Educating Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Pearson eText with Loose-Leaf Verison — Access Card Package, 2/E Mitchell L. Yell, Nancy B. Meadows, Erik Drasgow, James G. Shriner . Advertising & IMC: Principles and Practice Plus New MyMarketingLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 9/E Sandra Moriarty,Nancy . Mitchell,William D Wells . Contemporary Business, International Student Version, 13th Edition Louise E. Boune . Introduction to Information Systems Plus 2014 MyMISLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 2/E Patricia Wallace, . Explore Theatre — Standalone Access Card Michael M O’Hara, Judith Sebesta . Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy, 7/E Christopher H Lovelock,Jochen Wirtz . Urban Economics and Real Estate – Theory and Policy, 2nd Edition John F. McDonald, Daniel P. McMillen . Multicultural Teaching: A Handbook of Activities, Information, and Resources, 8/E Pamela L. Tiedt, Iris M. Tiedt, . Short Introduction to the U.S. Census, A Plus MySearchLab with eText — Access Card Package John D. Carl . Practice of Medical Billing and Coding, The, 2/E ICDC Publishing Inc. . Construction Safety & Health Plus MyConstructionKit — Access Card Package, 2/E David L. Goetsch . Psychology and Work Today, 9/E Duane Schultz, Sydney Ellen Schultz . QuickBooks 2013: A Complete Course, 14/E Janet Horne, . Automotive Diesel Technology Gus Wright . Understanding Medisoft, 2/E ICDC Publishing Inc. . Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Beverly DeMarr,Suzanne De Janasz . Agricultural Economics, 3/E H. Evan Drummond,John W. Goodwin, . Planning an Applied Research Project in Hospitality, Tourism, and Sports Fredrick B. Mayo . Principles of Macroeconomics, 11/E Karl E. Case,Ray C. Fair,Sharon E Oster . Technical Editing Plus MyWritingLab without Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 5/E Carolyn D. Rude, Angela Eaton . Learning Blender: A Hands-On Guide to Creating 3D Animated Characters Oliver Villar . Introduction to Food and Agribusiness Management Greg A. Baker, Orlen Grunewald, William D. Gorman . Communicating: A Social, Career, and Cultural Focus Plus NEW MyCommunicationLab with eText — Access Card Package, 12/E Roy M. Berko, Andrew D. Wolvin, Darlyn R. Wolvin, Joan E. Aitken . Thinking Mathematically plus NEW MyMathLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 6/E Robert F. Blitzer, . Social Problems in a Diverse Society Plus NEW MySocLab with eText — Access Card Package, 6/E Diana Kendall . News Now: Visual Storytelling in the Digital Age Plus MySearchLab with eText — Access Card Package Mark Cronkite Team, Susan C. Green, Mark J. Lodato, Carol B. Schwalbe, B. William B. Silcock . Accounting for Hospitality Managers Workbook (AHLEI), 5/E American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute . Golosa: A Basic Course in Russian, Book Two, 5/E Richard M. Robin, Karen Evans-Romaine, Galina Shatalina . An Introduction to Object COBOL E. Reed Doke, Bill C. Grave . Scaling Networks Lab Manual Cisco Networking Academy . You Decide! Current Debates in Ethics Bruce N. Waller . Mental Health in Social Work: A Casebook on Diagnosis and Strengths Based Assessment (DSM 5 Update) with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 2/E Jacqueline Corcoran, Joseph M. Walsh . Concepts of Programming Languages, 10/E Robert W. Sebesta . Children’s Literature: Discovery for a Lifetime, 4/E Barbara D. Stoodt-Hill, Linda B. Amspaugh-Corson . Brief Calculus An Applied Approach, Resource Manual , 8th Edition Micheal Sullivan . Common Culture Plus MyWritingLab — Access Card Package, 7/E Michael F. Petracca, Madeleine Sorapure . Progressions, Book 1: Sentences, Paragraphs and Essential Study Skills Plus MyWritingLab with eText — Access Card Package Barbara Clouse . Trigonometry: A Unit Circle Approach plus MyMathLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 9/E Michael Sullivan, . Introduction to Audiologic Rehabilitation, 6/E Ronald L. Schow, Michael A. Nerbonne . Machines & Mechanisms: Applied Kinematic Analysis, 4/E David H. Myszka . Career Development Interventions in the 21st Century Plus NEW MyCounselingLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 4/E Spencer G. Niles,JoAnn E Harris-Bowlsbey . Cases in Foodservice and Clinical Nutrition Management Amy M. Allen-Chabot, Ken Jarvis, Robert M. O’Halloran . REVEL for American Government, 2014 Elections and Updates Edition — Access Card, 12/E Karen O’Connor, Larry J. Sabato, Alixandra Yanus . Human Resources Administration: Personnel Issues and Needs in Education, 6/E L. Dean Webb, M. Scott Norton . CSS3: Visual QuickStart Guide, 5/E Jason Cranford Teague . Dreams and Inward JourneysPlus MyWritingLab — Access Card Package, 8/E Marjorie Ford, Jon Ford . Facilities Planning and Design Alberto Garcia-Diaz, J. MacGregor Smith . Young Child, The: Development from Prebirth Through Age Eight, 6/E Donna S. Wittmer, Sandra H. Petersen, Margaret B. Puckett . Deepening Fiction: A Practical Guide for Intermediate and Advanced Writers Sarah Stone, Ron Nyren . CompTIA A+ Complete Study Guide (Exams 220-601602603604), Deluxe Edition Quentin docter . Introducing Psychology: Brain, Person, Group, 4/E Stephen M. Kosslyn, Robin S. Rosenber . Teachers and the Law, 9/E David Schimmel, Leslie R. Stellman, Cynthia K. Conlon, Louis Fischer . Information Technology for the Health Professions, 3/E Lillian Burke, Barbara Weill . Brief Calculus & Its Applications Plus NEW MyMathLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 13/E Larry J. Goldstein,David C. Lay, David I. Schneider,Nakhle H. Asmar . REVEL for Sociology — Access Card, 15/E John J Macionis . Effective Argument: A Writer’s Guide with Readings, 2/E J. Karl Nicholas, James R. Nicholl . Retailing in the 21st Century Chris Thomas, Rick Segel . Fundamentals of Music: Rudiments, Musicianship, and Composition Plus MySearchLab with eText — Access Card Package, 6/E Earl Henry, Jennifer Snodgrass, Susan Piagentini . Finite Element Analysis Theory and Application with ANSYS, 3/E Saeed Moaveni . Teaching Today: An Introduction to Education, Enhanced Pearson eText with Loose-Leaf Version — Access Card Package, 9/E David G. Armstrong, Kenneth T. Henson, Tom V. Savage . Mathematics Applied To Electronics, 6/E James H. Harter,Wallace D. Beitzel, . Medical Language Plus NEW MyMedicalTerminologyLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 3/E Susan M. Turley, MA, BSN, RN, ART, CMT . Introduction to Manufacturing Processes Mikell P. Groover . Money, Banking, and the Financial System Plus NEW MyEconLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 2/E Glenn P. Hubbard,Anthony P. O’Brien . Connecting Networks Lab Manual Cisco Networking Academy . Principles of Crop Production: Theory, Techniques, and Technology, 2/E George Acquaah . La escritura paso a paso Paloma E Lapuerta, Gustavo Mejia . Need Any Test Bank or Solutions Manual Please contact me email:testbanksm01@gmail.com Computer Security Fundamentals, 2/E William (Chuck) Easttom, II . Health: The Basics Plus MasteringHealth with eText — Access Card Package, 11/E Rebecca J. Donatelle . Organizational Behavior in Education: Leadership and School Reform, 11/E Robert E. Owens, Jr., Thomas C. Valesky . Intermediate Algebra plus MyMathLab/MyStatLab — Access Card Package, 11/E Margaret L. Lial, John E. Hornsby,Terry McGinnis . Functional Behavioral Assessment and Function-Based Intervention: An Effective, Practical Approach John Umbreit, Jolenea Ferro, Carl J. Liaupsin, Kathleen L. Lane . Profitable Beverage Management John A. Drysdale, . Managing Quality: Integrating the Supply Chain, 5/E S. Thomas Foster, . Speaking Effectively: Achieving Excellence in Presentations (NetEffect Series) John A. Kline, . Modern Rhetorical Criticism, 3/E Roderick P Hart, Suzanne M. Daughton . Managerial Accounting, 13th Edition Ray H. Garrison, Eric Noreen, Peter C. Brewer . Introduction to Ethics, An Plus MySearchLab with eText — Access Card Package Kevin Gibson . Programming the World Wide Web, 8/E Robert W. Sebesta . Probability and Statistical Inference, 9/E Robert V. Hogg,Elliot Tanis,Dale Zimmerman, . EMS Special Operations Jeffrey T. Lindsey . Modern Wireless Communications Simon O. Haykin, Michael Moher . Ethics, Crime, and Criminal Justice, 2/E Christopher R. Williams,Bruce A. Arrigo, . Exploring: Microsoft Excel 2013, Comprehensive Mary Anne Poatsy, Keith Mulbery, Jason Davidson, Robert T. Grauer . The Little, Brown Handbook Plus MyWritingLab with eText — Access Card Package, 13/E H. Ramsey Fowler, Jane E. Aaron . Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C, 2/E Mark A. Weiss . Valuation Mergers, Buyouts and Restructuring, 2nd Edition Enrique R. Azrac . Essential C++ for Engineers and Scientists, 2/E Jeri R. Hanly . Automotive Electrical and Engine Performance, 7/E James D. Halderman . Social Psychology: Goals in Interaction Plus NEW MyPsychLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 6/E Douglas Kenrick, Steven L. Neuberg, Robert B. Cialdini . Family Communication: Cohesion and Change, 8/E Kathleen M. Galvin, Carma L. Bylund, Bernard Brommel . Exploring Getting Started with Computing Concepts Mary Anne Poatsy, Linda Lau, Robert T. Grauer . Wiley Pathways Introduction to Database Management Mark L. Gillenson, Paulraj Ponniah, Alex Kriegel, Boris Trukhnov, Allen G. Taylor . Statistics for Criminal Justice and Criminology, 3/E Dean J. Champion,Richard D. Hartley . Archaeology of Native North America Dean R Snow . System Dynamics, 4/E Katsuhiko Ogata . Catering Management, 4th Edition Nancy Loman Scalcon . Teaching Reading and Writing: The Developmental Approach Shane R. Templeton, Kristin Gehsmann . Food and Wine Pairing A Sensory Experience Robert J. Harrington . Reading Skills Handbook, 9/E Harvey S. Wiener, Charles Bazerman . Techniques of Healthy Cooking, 4th Edition The Culinary Institute of America (CIA) . Mathematics for the Technical Trades Nigel P. Cook . C++ Without Fear: A Beginner’s Guide That Makes You Feel Smart, 2/E Brian Overland . Special Events Creating and Sustaining a New World for Celebration, 7th Edition Joe Goldblatt . Automotive Steering, Suspension, Alignment, 6/E James D. Halderman . Journalist’s Handbook for Online Editing Plus MySearchLab with eText — Access Card Package Kenneth L. Rosenauer, Vincent F. Filak . Wide Awake: Thinking, Reading, and Writing Critically Plus MyWritingLab — Access Card Package Sara Hosey, Fran O’Connor . College Resources with Readings with NEW MyWritingLab Access Code Card Elizabeth C. Long . Industrial Organization Contemporary Theory and Empirical Applications, 5th Edition Lynne Pepall, Dan Richards, George Norman . Urban Geography, 3rd Edition Dave H. Kaplan, Steven Holloway . Distinguishing Words: Vocabulary Choices for Readers and Writers Robert Dees . Composing a Life’s Work: Writing, Citizenship, and Your Occupation Dominic A. Delli Carpini . Teaching in the Elementary School: A Reflective Action Approach, 6/E Adrienne L. Herrell, Michael L. Jordan, Judy W. Eby . Words, Words, Words: An English Vocabulary Builder and Anthology, 2/E Zuckerman . Designing and Implementing Mathematics Instruction for Students with Diverse Learning Needs Pamela P Hudson, Susan Peterson Miller . Backpack Writing Plus MyWritingLab with eText — Access Card Package, 3/E Lester Faigley . Creating Literacy Instruction for All Students in Grades 4 to 8, 3/E Thomas G. Gunning . Dorothy Wordsworth, A Longman Cultural Edition Dorothy Wordsworth, Susan Levin . Essential Environment: The Science behind the Stories Plus MasteringEnvironmentalScience with eText — Access Card Package, 4/E Jay H. Withgott, Matthew Laposata, . Business Analytics Principles, Concepts, and Applications with SAS: What, Why, and How Marc J. Schniederjans,Dara G. Schniederjans,Christopher M. Starkey . Race and Ethnicity in the United States Plus NEW MySocLab for Race and Ethnicity — Access Card Package, 8/E Richard T Schaefer . Writing Research Papers: A Complete Guide (spiral) Plus MyWritingLab with Pearson eText — Access Card Package, 15/E James D. Lester, James D. Lester, Jr. . Criminal Behavior: A Psychological Approach, 10/E Curt R. Bartol,Anne M. Bartol . Health Psychology, 2nd Edition Catherine A. 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